[STM 3] How to be Happy?


happyHappiness is a state, it is a basic human desire, who on earth doesn’t want to be happy? Just like If wind stop blowing it may result in our instant death, similarly, loss of happiness is like loss of oxygen, which can hack our mind, it will push us in a state where our lives will start moving backwards rather than moving forward and will deprive us from living the life to the fullest, hence, prevent us to achieve our true potential and preclude us to understand, why this life is so beautiful?

The objective of this blog is to learn/achieve the state of happiness. Let’s examine how we can do that?

To achieve the state of happiness, it’s all about, being happy in the NOW and having vision for the future.

With respect to happiness and vision for the future there can be 4 states of mind:

  1. Depress Spiral: you are not happy nor you have a vision for the future or in other words you are depress with life and needs serious help.
  2. Reality Trap: You are happy in the now but have no vision for the future which means you might be content with life or your job but there is no vision for the future. (where most majority of the population lies)
  3. Stress & Anxiety:  There are people who have vision for the future but they are not happy in the now. They are often entrepreneurs who have the vision for the future, they know how to build up the business, ironically, forget to live in the now, causing stress and anxiety.
  4. State of the flow: You are happy in the now and also have the vision for the future. I feel it’s a state where universe holds your back, as if the right people, right co-incidences comes out of space and if one experience this state, this is the best state to be in, the trick is to be in this state for a longer and longer period of time.

Happiness in the now:

Life is about living in the moment, to get there we need to understand the scientifically proven methodology which works with the brain and elevate the level of happiness and aspirations, it can completely transform the way you lead the life and undo the programming that you get in life from schools, parents teachers etc.

Physical vs Spiritual evolution:

We do have a habit of taking care of our body, by taking shower, wear new clothes, dry-clean or wash clothes when they get dirty, apply perfumes to smell good but we forget to do same thing with our mind (like when we have stress, anxiety etc) we need to wash the brain when it has got negative energies because the funny thing is to get rid of negative energies helps you to get into the flow, subsequently, it elates the energy of happiness – right now.

The idea to be happy on daily basis in the most important discipline of life, below are the ways which may facilitate to achieve them:

  1. Meditation:  Start the day with meditation.
  2. Visualization: While meditation you can visualize the perfect life unfolding or visualizing your career over the next few years.
  3. Intention Setting:  When you start your day you declare in your mind how you want your day to progress, for instance, how you can have an amazing commute? how you will prepare for the next project? or how you can prepare an amazing dinner that night, so on and so forth, in other words, you are practicing how to lead your whole day. The more you practice, the more you will start influencing your life.
  4. Inspirational Reading:  Read anything which inspires you from any author, any books, notes etc.
  5. Gratitude: There is a study by University of California which revealed: if you practice 5 minutes of gratitude every day after 30 days of practicing gratitude, you are 25% percent happier than the group of people who are not happy.

Vision for the Future:

The society has brain washed us, what we think we want and what we truly want are two different things:

What we want: The time when we are young we grow up on thinking, we want to get good grades, need to go to a good college, need high GPA, need to get a good job, need to get a flashy car, find to get a high salary job etc. these are the rules that society has establish to live by, the result, usually 95% of the population grow up with the believe and are conditioned to achieve them which results in sacrificing 50 years of their life, thinking they will fulfill their dreams after a certain age (in the end) result, its too late and the life is not lived to the fullest.

They are simply means goals, forget the means go for the end (that can be anything which gives you happiness –travel, moving to a different country, opportunity of growth etc.) but the question to ask is why so many of us ends up stagnant and live a very “routine” life, it’s because of the concept -BRules (BRules: bullshit rules that doesn’t need to exist but society drums it up – what are BRules: Outside the law of universe/creator and physics – all other rules are illusions that we have chosen to believe. Smash the ones that no longer serves you.)

 Common BRules:

a)      Money is inherently bad

b)      College education is necessary

c)       Aging is a part of life

d)      Success = hard work

Be Realistic in Your goal: the most exaggerated BRule in the world, the methodology SMART goals, in which R stands for Realistic is absolute rubbish, don’t be realistic, realistic people forget one thing “Intuition” in which you do not need to know how you have to achieve the goal or to set the goal. Intuition is sparked from knowing what you want and why you want but you do not have to know how to get there. I have a crazy habit of setting crazy goals and they start unfolding. The idea of setting realistic goals are the dumbest ideas I have ever heard and hold so many people back, do not set realistic goals. Promise and say:” I will set unrealistic goals and I will figure a way to get there.”

“There is one great truth on this planet:  Whoever you are or whatever you do, when you are really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe…the soul of the world is nourished by people’s happiness. When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”

                                                                                                          — Paulo Coelho

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